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Manual Osteopathic Therapy

Treating the cause, not the symptoms
Manual Osteopathic Therapy uses hands-on skills for investigation and treatment of somatic dysfunction. The body is examined as a whole, including arterial, neurological, cranial, neurovascular, visceral, osseous, and fascial assessments. From this in depth evaluation, mechanical disruptions that are observed are treated, facilitating a correction of symptoms.

I started receiving Manual Osteopathic Therapy a few months ago with Christine at Dynamic MOT. Initially I was experiencing severe sound (roaring/ringing) from tinnitus. I had been diagnosed with this neurological condition 15 years ago! It can be very difficult to manage day to day activities, and at times debilitating. With Christine's MOT treatments, it allows me to experience times of relief along with quieter, more peaceful days. I will continue to seek treatment, as with each session it seems to be improving!! I am so grateful to Christine for her amazing skills, knowledge, and her dedication to helping me with my tinnitus.

signed, extremely grateful client!


Manual Osteopathy literally gave me my life back. As a young mom with a toddler and 7 month old in tow, I found myself completely immobile with severe back pain that could not be explained. After extensive testing, I was sent home with strong pain killers and told to wait it out. This is when MOT entered my life. I can truly say I have never experienced such a fundamental therapy that is more in tune with the body and it's natural energy. With Christine's strong knowledge and hands on body techniques, she was able to address the root cause of my pain in a single session. An old injury from 8 years ago was corrected with this passive and non-invasive therapy and I had pain free mobility back to be a mom again to my two boys. I am forever grateful.


Since being pregnant with my now 6 year old, I have suffered from severe lower back and hip pain. I couldn't stand, I couldn't sit, I couldn't walk for long periods of time, and changing from one position to another was extremely painful! I've tried many forms of treatment to correct the issue, but nothing has worked 100%. Christine asked if I would consider trying Manual Osteopathic Therapy. I went in with zero expectations. After the first session, I was absolutely pain free for 24 hours. It felt like true freedom for the first time in years. We've done a few sessions, and each time the pain free hours last longer than before. I am excited to continue MOT treatment with Christine.

Manual Osteopathic Treatments and Approaches

Manual Osteopathic Therapy may be performed through any or all of the following techniques:

Visceral Manipulation

Manual osteopaths use visceral manipulation to treat organs and viscera of the body, including the liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, intestines, bladder and uterus. Patients may be experiencing pain in one or more of these organs, or other parts of the body due to visceral dysfunction. Manual osteopaths gently move the structures themselves and the fascia (connective tissue) that surrounds them to restore motility. Most patients treated with visceral manipulation feel only the gentle pressure of the manual osteopath’s hand, but the corrections are powerful enough to improve the mobility of an organ, improve blood flow, and help the organ function more effectively. Results are often felt in other parts of the body.

Osteoarticular Techniques

Manual Osteopathic Therapists use these techniques to reduce muscle spasms near a joint, ease neurological irritations around a joint, make joints more mobile and to reduce acute or chronic pain and discomfort. Patients are put into a comfortable position that will minimize or eliminate the energy and force needed to perform the maneuvers, effecting a correction to the body’s structure where needed.

CranioSacral Therapy

This is a very gentle osteopathic technique, While performing cranial sacral techniques, the therapist’s hands are highly sensitive to the inherent mobility of the cranial bones and cranial membranes. Great precision is applied when utilizing cranial techniques. Manual osteopaths use this gentle technique to assess and treat the mobility of the skull and its contents. They may also use it to assess and treat the spine, the sacrum, and other parts of the body. The goal of this technique is to adjust the body’s physiology by restoring balance to the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, blood and other body fluids. Manual osteopaths do this by treating the body’s inherent biorhythm, or the Primary Respiratory Mechanism. They are able to feel this rhythm in the patient’s head, spinal cord, and in the sacrum and the rest of the body. Manual osteopaths use the biorhythm to assess the patient’s condition, and modify it during treatment where required.

Advanced Myofascial Release

The therapist uses advanced fascia release in many different ways. In general, they use it to evaluate the condition of tissues, improve tissue glide, and to help the body’s fluids (such as blood and lymphatic fluid) flow smoothly. Keeping fluids flowing smoothly reduces harmful fluid retention and makes the body’s immune system more effective. Fascia is tissue found in all parts of the body. It connects all of the body’s structures at both superficial and deep levels. The therapist evaluates the fascia to find areas of restriction, and then uses soft tissue manipulation to release fascial adhesions and optimize fluid mechanics.

10004-100 street at Better Living Centre


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